15 Martingate, Corsham SN13 0HL
Call Us -  01249471447  │  HELLO@THECORSHAMGALLERY.CO.uk

Could you be our next Guest Artist?

Events Calendar

2025 Guest Artist Application

We have all our guest artists for 2025.  Applications for 2026 will go live in September.  Follow us  on Social Media or sign on for our newsletter to get updates.

Closed Closed

How do I exhibit my work at the gallery?

We have several opportunities available at the gallery. Every year, we organize an open submission event for artists to exhibit their 2D and 3D art. This event typically takes place in October. From this event, we select artists to fill the following year's calendar for both window, internal wall, and 3D table exhibitions. Additionally, we hold a summer open bi-annually, in June. Applications for this event are sent out in April, with selections confirmed in May. Please follow us on social media or subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated about these opportunities.

Have I missed this years call to action for exhibition space?

If it is after November, the likelihood is that next year's exhibition spaces have already been allocated. There is no harm in asking to join a reserve list, though, especially for 3D artists.

I would like to be involved on a more permanent basis, how do I become a resident artist with you? 

We welcome discussions about residency opportunities with you. However, please note that to become a Resident Assistant (RA), you must staff the gallery one day every week and cover a Saturday on rotation. Please consider whether this is feasible before applying. If you can support the galleries' needs, please fill out the form and contact Ali and Joanne.

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Internal display areas

Main and side  window displays